15 Apr Duke Peltier
Posted at 18:53h
Duke Peltier
‘Gweksijigewin- Making It Right. The Robinson Huron Treaty Annuity Case.’
Ogimaa Peltier’s commitment to serve his people is demonstrated by his current role as Ogimaa (Chief) of Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, serving in his fifth consecutive term. Ogimaa Peltier serves on several boards, including the Robinson Huron Treaty Trust and the Indian Resource Council/Indian Oil and Gas Canada Board. Under Ogimaa Peltier’s leadership, Wiikwemkoong has moved forward in restoring its own governing structures by enacting a Children’s Bill of Rights and the Wiikwemkoong Gchi-Naaknegewin. In 2019, Ogimaa Peltier was appointed the Children’s Commissioner of the Anishinabek Nation. Ogimaa Duke Peltier and his wife, Nicole, along with their three children, reside along the shores of Unceded Anishinaabe lands.