15 Apr Geena Jackson
Geena Jackson is a member of the Frog Clan from the Shíshálh (Sechelt) Nation who carries the traditional name, Tsetasiya (‘Sa-TAS-ee-ya’). With over 20 years as an Indigenous entrepreneur, business development champion and leader in economic development circles, Geena launched her own media empowerment company, Sparkly Frog Clan Productions. As Executive Producer of the Bear’s Lair TV Series, Geena is creating the series to showcase the stories, strength and diversity of Indigenous entrepreneurs. The Indigenous production crew will start filming the Bears’ Lair series that will be featured on primetime, national TV on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Bears’ Lair will showcase the journeys of 18 emerging and established Indigenous entrepreneurs from across the nation competing to earn their share of $180,000 in prize money that will be awarded during Season 1 of the series.
As a passionate advocate for Indigenous rights and self-determination with over 13 years in leadership roles such as Economic Development Officer, Trust Fund Manager, procurement and Major Capital Projects leader , Geena understands the importance of aligning Indigenous entrepreneurs with people and programs who help them turn their dreams into reality. Geena has helped over 550 Indigenous entrepreneurs across Coast Salish communities to launch, stabilize and expand their own business.