15 Nov Shaun Soonias – Farm Credit Canada
Shaun Soonias is a member of Red Pheasant Cree Nation, a signatory of Treaty 6 located south of Battleford, Sask. As Director of Indigenous Relations at FCC, his focus is on activities that will enable reconciliation, economic development for Indigenous communities, including increasing participation in and access to capital for primary production through the agri-food and agribusiness value chains. Shaun also builds intersections for growth, understanding, learning, employment, partnership, research and knowledge dissemination between government, industry, non-profits, academia and Indigenous stakeholders through FCC’s national network of partners and industry stakeholders.
Shaun joined FCC in 2019, eager to be part of the agriculture industry and work with Indigenous individuals, communities and economic development corporations as they build and revitalize their agriculture projects. He has 30 years of experience in social and economic development work and held senior positions with the Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network, Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority, the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Saskatchewan Advocate for Children and Youth, the University of Saskatchewan and the Department of Justice.